Sat. Market, Portland
Christmas Tea
Piano Blues - 3rd Hospital
"Cooking" Thanksgiving Dinner
Completely Unaware - 2nd Hospital
Piano Blues - 3rd Hospital
Medical Disclaimer 2: Please note, especially if you're sick: Being sick isn't a walk in the park. There is so much heavy lifting for you and your caregivers, and I'm sorry you have to jump through so many hoops. One of the most frustrating things for me while I was still hospitalized and didn't fully understand what had happened to me was the constant temptation to compare myself to other patients, e.g. How is it that this man arrived after me and is going home before me? or Why can she walk and I can't? So I try not to compare anymore, and am asking you to do the same. If you've found my site/blog because you're at the end of your rope and are researching courses of treatment for yourself, remember that worked for me may not work for you, and what didn't work for me might be fabulous for you. Please do your research and choose what's right for you - every situation is different. You can just use my writing to laugh at me hitting myself in the head or losing my marble. In the meantime, I'm wishing you a fast and full recovery.
UPDATE: Febrary 2018
When I began writing in public and formed my non profit I named everything, "Learning How." I have healed for almost 7 years and wrote my newest book in response to a specific Survivor question. It turns out that I did, in fact, Learn How to live like this. Learning How has become Shredded Grace.

Learning Walk, Wait, and lots of other things
On April 7, 2011 I had an AVM rupture that caused a massive stroke. I was 30 years old at the time and I had just come back from a trip to Africa and announced my desire to move there permanently as a missionary. I was at work (I was living alone outside of Portland, OR so I could be near to the office) when my brain bled so I got help right away. Over a month later I woke up with a tube sticking out of my tummy, weird hair aberrations, and the inability to walk. Stubbornly, I refused to believe the story about why I had to live in the hospital and the fact that I couldn't control my body parts. Comedic scenes ensued. At least they're funny for me in retrospect - I don't know that they were very amusing for me or my medical providers at the time. This site chronicles the story of my recovery so far.
I am NOT a doctor.
Medical Disclaimer 1: None of this is intended to be medical advice. Please seek out medical professionals you can trust and be guided by their expertise. However, you are the steward of your own health. You are responsible for knowing the details of what happened, making sure your Team is informed, seeking out your options, and making the final decision. Carol Ridgely taught me that (Vol. 4- Learning How to Sing a New Song). She never verbalized it, I just watched her do it for do it for 15 years. And when I got sick I knew that victory in illness is possible because of her.